
On June 27, a meeting dedicated to issues of implementation of “Obod qishloq” (“Prosperous village”) and “Obod makhalla” (“Prosperous neighborhood”) programs, improvement of settlements was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Within the framework of “Obod qishloq” program, adopted in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the state of March 29, 2018, this year construction and landscaping activities are being carried out in 386 villages of 159 districts. In these villages, repair of 142 thousand individual and more than one thousand multi-storey houses, three thousand kilometers of roads, laying and restoration of 2,5 thousand kilometers of electric networks, 2 thousand kilometers of water pipes, construction of 2 thousand 400 markets and other infrastructure facilities are planned.
In addition, it is planned to be built and renovate 388 secondary schools, 313 kindergartens, 168 medical institutions, 38 makhallas and 55 other social facilities.
At the meeting, the work implemented in this direction was analyzed, important tasks for the future were identified.
The need to ensure uninterrupted supply of building materials in the required amount, creation of stores of building materials in the countryside was noted. This will not only ensure the quality and timely implementation of planned works, but also prevent the increase in the cost of construction activities.
Instructions were given on development of a master plan for villages additionally introduced in the program, creating necessary funds, attracting investments to the countryside.
Special attention was paid to improving the supply of drinking water. It was emphasized that it is necessary to accelerate construction and repair activities of water supply systems, as well as repair roads, power lines and gas pipelines.
Tasks on construction of educational and medical institutions, points of trade and consumer services, creation of small shops in rural areas were also determined.
As it is known, during the visit to “Hirmontepa” and “Tirsakobod” makhallas of Chilanzar district on June 4 this year, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave instructions on development of the “Obod makhalla” program.
Today, activities on improvement of the territory of one mahalla are being carried out as an experiment in 11 districts of the capital and 30 cities of the country. Activities for 72 billion sums were executed in 41 makhallas for the expired short period.
“Obod makhalla” program was adopted taking into account the positive experience in this direction and wishes of the population.
In accordance with the program, the appearance of at least 2 makhallas in each city will be radically changed this year, and at least 3 makhallas annually until 2022. Activity will be carried out on construction and repair of water pipes, electric networks, gas pipes and sewerage systems. Besides, it is envisaged to repair 5 thousand 607 kilometers of internal roads, 369 objects of social sphere, creation of 969 objects of market infrastructure and service points. “Obod makhalla” funds will be formed at local khokimiyats for this purpose.
– “Obod qishloq” and “Obod makhalla” programs have one of the most important places in implementation of reforms. Since we have committed ourselves to our people on solving their problems, improving living conditions and quality of life, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The President gave instructions on the system organization of construction and landscaping activities implemented within the framework of these programs.