President Shavkat Mirziyoyev during his trip to Fergana region got acquainted with activities of “Fargona anorchilik” agricultural company in Kuva district.
Agriculture of Uzbekistan is diversified on the basis of market demand and income of dehkans. The recently established enterprise “Fargona anorchilik” also serves this purpose.
The agricultural company, which occupies more than 300 hectares of area, specializes in growing pomegranate, storing and exporting the crop. At present, more than 272 thousand pomegranate bushes of about 15 varieties have been planted on 289 hectares of land. About 500 people are employed. Until 2025, it is planned to increase the area of pomegranate plantation to 2 thousand hectares. It is expected to collect 10 thousand tons of products.
The Head of the state examined this pomegranate garden.
“High results can be achieved by carefully cultivating the land, growing crops and caring for them wisely. It is necessary to think in advance: where to sell products, how to get more income than invested labor and money. A scientific approach is necessary for this above all. Who will study the demand in the market, introduce modern knowledge, ensure yield and product quality? Personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to training specialists on pomegranate production”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The need for organizing a Research Center on Pomegranate, a corresponding department at Fergana State University, development of genetic technologies in cooperation with the Ministry of Innovative Development was noted.
Instructions were given on creating a brand of Uzbek pomegranate, bringing the area of pomegranate gardens of Fergana region to 20 thousand hectares in the coming years, expanding the harvesting of seedlings, developing boneless varieties of pomegranate.