On February 27, a meeting devoted to analysis of execution of tasks on increasing exports and reducing imports, activities that are being carried out in this area in industries and regions was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister and his deputies, heads of relevant ministries and departments, through videoconferencing – the leadership of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent, representatives of local khokimiyats, territorial subdivisions of ministries and departments, exporting enterprises.
The meeting was held in the spirit of critical analysis. The Head of the state deeply considered the shortcomings in the execution of the export plan, defined the main directions and tasks.
Today, important reforms are being implemented on stable development of the country’s economy. Necessary conditions and opportunities for production and export of competitive products are being created. However, no organization has so far tried to consider the structure of imports, the volume and the price of goods imported into Uzbekistan, control in this sphere is neglected, and these facts have been criticized.
Thus, the import reduction plan for 2017 was fulfilled by 88 percent. In one year, washing powder was imported for $20 million, toilet soap – for $13 million, building and synthetic paints – for $49 million, chocolate – for $23 million.
This indicates the fact that localization programs adopted in past years do not have a firm basis, and are only a fraud and a pretext for obtaining benefits, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
In reality, the List of investment projects should include only those that are aimed at local production of goods, often imported into Uzbekistan. But responsible persons look at it through their fingers.
At the meeting it was noted that an absolutely new system of organizing activity and control in this sphere will be introduced in the future. The group led by Deputy Prime Minister Nodir Otajonov and First Deputy Prosecutor General Erkaboy Tadjiev will be responsible for organizing and monitoring exports. Regional khokims and first deputies of regional prosecutors will be engaged in export at places.