On February 7, a meeting on issues of comprehensively supporting women and strengthening family institution was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Issues of ensuring the rights and interests of women, increasing their economic, social and political activity are identified as an important direction of state policy in Uzbekistan.
Significant work has been implemented in this direction over the past years, but an effective mechanism for realization of women’s interests has not been created.
Women’s Committee, makhalla and other public organizations limited themselves to holding various events and meetings for a number of years, and did not conduct effective work on providing real assistance to families, women and girls in a difficult social situation. As a consequence, many problems have been accumulated at places. Specific targeted measures have not been taken on solving them.
Last year, social control groups were organized, which examined problems of women. In 2017, meetings were held with more than 5 million families, measures were taken on addressing their concerns. In particular, the divorce of 22 thousand families was prevented, 36 thousand women were employed, 14,5 thousand people were assisted in obtaining preferential loans.
At the meeting devoted to issues of comprehensively supporting women and strengthening family institution it was noted that a number of important tasks should be executed on ensuring the well-being of families. With this purpose, the President of Uzbekistan adopted a Decree “On measures of radically improving activities in the sphere of supporting women and strengthening the family institution” on February 2, 2018.
Caring for women should always be at the forefront of all our efforts, become the most important task, said the Head of the state. Attention to a family is attention to people.
It was noted that activities of women’s committees are at an unsatisfactory level, insufficient attention is paid to helping women in a difficult social situation, preventing early marriages, divorces and female crime.
It is disturbing that in recent years the number of divorces has been growing by 10-11 percent annually. More than 31 thousand divorces were registered in 2017. The incidence of crimes committed by women is increasing.
A number of measures have been identified on addressing these and other problems, comprehensively supporting women in the aforementioned decree of the President of our country. The structure of women’s committees of the republic, regions, cities and districts has been radically improved.
Women’s Counseling Centers will be established in family polyclinics and rural medical stations
This was noted at the meeting held on February 7 under the chairmanship of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Posts of a specialist on working with women and strengthening spiritual and moral values in families have been introduced in all citizens’ gatherings of makhalla.
Scientific-practical research center “Oila” (“Family”) under the Cabinet of Ministers and its territorial units are organized, their tasks and status are defined.
Coordination of activities of civil registry offices is entrusted to deputy khokims of districts – chairmen of district women’s committees. This will expand opportunities and strengthen influence of deputy khokims on the issues of women at places and the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan.
Cases of mortality of mothers and newborns, the birth of children with disabilities indicate an absolutely unsatisfactory level of work on ensuring women’s reproductive health. 95 percent of pregnant women undergo perinatal screening annually, but this does not have the proper practical effect. In this regard, Women’s Counseling Centers will be established in family polyclinics and rural medical stations.
Corresponding Republican Commission and 7 working groups have been established. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan is responsible for taking control over implementation of tasks outlined in this direction.